St. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城政策 & 程序


政策制定过程是作为建议的框架而建立的, 发展, 实现, 审查, 和St档案. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城的政策和程序. 由于这一政策制定过程是随着时间的推移而实施的, it is the goal of the Policy Office that all policies and procedures will be proposed, 起草, 综述了, 修改后的, 维护, 发表, and archived in the Policy Document Management System (also known as PDMS or the Policy Hub). 每单位一次, 部门, 部门, or program’s policies have been incorporated into this process and uploaded into the PDMS, future policies or revision to existing policies for that group must be developed using the PDMS. 单位, 分歧, 部门s or programs that have not been incorporated into the new PDMS process may continue to develop policies and procedures consistent with past practice, 与其职责相称, 并按照既定的 政策层次结构.


Policies and procedures are enacted to direct the interaction between the University and its constituents and community members. 政策是翻译大学使命的书面声明, values and obligations into daily actions by making explicit to the university community the behaviors for which its members will be held accountable. 大学政策存在于更广泛的法律环境中 (看到 了解策略层次结构 后面的一节).

程序是实施政策的具体过程的书面陈述. 程序弥合了政策与实践之间的差距. St. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城 may develop written procedures to implement it's own policy, 明尼苏达州政策, 州或联邦法律, 或者合同义务.


的每个级别上的策略 政策层次结构 遵守以上各级法律或政策. 保持一致性和统一的应用, 应在最广泛的体制一级制定和实施政策. 在圣. 澳门威尼斯人娱乐城, policies designated with the policy type “All University” will provide the broadest level of 实现. When proposing a policy it is important to first determine if the policy can or should be written as an All University policy. 

Unique circumstances or specific requirements of a 部门 or unit can be written as an exception within an All University policy or procedure and should be whenever possible. 例如, the Student Participation and Medical Consultation Procedure is classified as All University, but there is an exception for Education Abroad Medical Concerns which has specific requirements involving the Center for 国际研究. 

When it is not possible to capture the necessary exception within an All University policy because it is too detailed or the policy is only applicable to a specific 部门 or group of 部门s; Departmental, Functional Unit and Unit Specific Policies can be developed as long as they comply with all policies or laws higher up the hierarchy structure.


策略和过程过程的可视快照可以在 政策流程流程图 (pdf),详情如下:

  • When a proposal is received in the PDMS the content is 综述了 by 政策办公室. It may be necessary for additional information on the content to be gathered from the proposer, 通过听取专业人士的意见, 或者通过一般的研究.
  • 一旦理论基础, 范围, 并概述了该方案的基本概念, 政策办公室, 必要时咨询总统, 决定该建议是否应进一步发展.
  • If it is determined that the proposal will not move forward at all or will not move forward until a later date, a member of the Policy Team will enter the appropriate Reject reason in the PDMS.
  • 如果提案获得通过, 而且需要紧急实施, the President can authorize an expedited process which may not include all of the following steps. 当不需要紧急执行时, the Policy Team determines the appropriate policy type and recommends a collaborative group to work on policy 发展. For policy determined to be academic in nature, this may be the Academic Policy Working Group.
  • 协作工作小组, 有时被称为利益相关者, 可能会研究最佳实践, 审查同行政策, 咨询法律或其他专家, and will develop a policy draft and any other associated documents such as procedures, 的指导方针, 和形式.
  • When the collaborative working group determines the proposed draft is developed to an appropriate level it will be presented by a member of the Policy Team or the Responsible University Officer or designee to the President for a decision. 主席在决定下一步行动之前可与其他人协商. 
  • Once the President has determined the proposed draft is sufficiently developed it will generally be shared publicly (including with Collective Bargaining 单位) for comment. Policies implemented due to federal regulations or other required legal compliance will generally not be shared publicly for comment.
  • 在4周的公众意见征询期结束时, 所有的意见和顾虑都将被审查, 如有必要或适当, 草案将作修改. 随后的草案将提交主席审查. 一旦不需要进一步起草,总统将批准该政策.
  • When a draft is approved by the President it will be shared publicly and 发表 electronically as a policy.


  • 当政策文件被批准和采用时,建立一个评审时间表.
  • 当一项政策或相关文件被安排评审时, or it is determined that a policy needs to be 综述了 outside of the scheduled 审查 date, 政策办公室将通知大学负责人. 如果只需要微小的修改, the Policy Office has the authority to make corrections to policy at any time without notifying the Responsible University Officer or going through the full revision process, 评论时间, 以及如下所述的公共共享.
  • The Responsible University Officer will either determine that revisions are needed or decide that no changes are required during this 审查 cycle.
  • 如果确定不需要更改,则设置新的评审日期.
  • 如果建议进行修订, 负责的大学官员和一个合作工作组, often including the policy Owner and the contributors who last worked on the policy, 会起草需要的修改吗.
  • When the collaborative working group determines the proposed revisions are developed to an appropriate level the draft will be presented by a member of the Policy Team or the Responsible University Officer or designee to the President for a decision. 主席在决定下一步行动之前可与其他人协商. 
  • When the President determines the proposed draft revisions are sufficiently developed the draft policy will ordinarily be shared publicly (including with Collective Bargaining 单位) for comment.
  • 如果审查后的政策共享以征求公众意见, 在4周的公众意见征询期结束时, 所有的意见和顾虑都将被审查, 如有必要或适当, 草案将作修改. 随后的草案将提交主席审查. Once no further drafting is needed, the President will approve the 修改后的 policy.
  • When the revisions are approved by the President the policy will ordinarily be shared publicly and will be 发表 electronically replacing the previous version.
  • 以前的版本将在PDMS中存档.
